Lorelei’s 1 Month portraits and update!!
Lorelei’s first week was a bit rough since I was having to lay mostly flat from the epidural mess. If you missed that then you can read her birth story here! But she has been a dream!!
Obviously Olivia + Everett are in love with her, they are offering up lots of help. Also lots of requests to hold her! I still can’t believe it’s a GIRL!! Haha I think it’s going to take me some time to really grasp that we have another daughter. I can’t wait to see the girls grow together.
Lorelei has been nursing so great, she’s actually pooping a ton. Like every single diaper is some kind of poop, so we have had to get ointment on her already. We skipped her first bath in the hospital so we did that at home! The kids loved being involved with her first bath.
She is measuring on the tiny side (which is the total opposite of what we were thinking she would be!) But she’s been so calm and such a sweet baby. We are soaking in all her baby smells, soft hair and I cannot get enough of that baby breath!! haha
I decided we should do portraits in her big white bow that is way too big for her right now every month. And watch her grow in her bow in her first year! We are doing her portraits in the same bassinet big sis & bro slept and did all their monthly portraits too. It’s so sweet going back and comparing and seeing baby Via and Ev in some of the same outfits and bassinet. I’m a pretty sentimental person so I love all of the little details going into Lorelei’s monthly portraits.
You can grab a bow just like hers here!
This little peanut outfit started with Olivia when she was in the hospital and it has been passed to all of my babes. It’s wild seeing them “share” clothes as our family grows and these littles grow soo fast.
Enjoy Lorelei at 1 Month
I hope you enjoyed my sweet Lorelei at 1 month!!
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