My sweet little man is one month already! One day before his due date and he has already been with us for 4 weeks! We are all loving every minute of having him in our family and I love planning things for the fall or the winter and thinking about how we have this adorable addition to all of our plans. Everett is growing perfectly, at his one month appointment he was 8lbs 5oz!! Born 5lbs 13 ounces and his 2 weeks apptointment he was 6lbs 9oz…so he is loving nursing. He nurses every 3 hours on the dot, I am exhausted but I am SO thankful that he loves nursing and is gaining weight, especially after being 4 weeks early!
He is loving looking at lights, he smiles a lot, and he spits up a lot!! Olivia never spit up so this was a little worrisome for me but his doctor went through somethings with me and came to the conclusion that his spitting up is a laundry issue and not a medical/health issue. So I am thankful for that even though we go through like 25 burp cloths in a week! So if you wanted to buy Everett anything…clothes, bibs and burp clothes are NECESSARY! Hahaha!
Now that he is a month “old” he is staying awake longer and we get to see his pretty blue eyes a lot! I hope that he keeps his dark hair like his mama and his blue eyes like his dada! I am still working on editing his newborn photos…so no you have not missed those. It’s just taking me forever because life with two kids is busy! haha!
I did manage to capture these sweet one month photos and I just love them and this little man to the moon. Enjoy Everett at One Month Young!
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